A groundbreaking project has been initiated by scientists from the University of Westminster. The project aims to create a comprehensive user guide for developers of AI chatbots in healthcare settings. The guide is designed to be impartial and inclusive, ensuring that the needs of various patients are considered at every stage of the design process. By taking a proactive approach, the project aims to prevent exacerbation of health inequalities and, in the long term, reduce them.
The research, funded by the NHS AI Lab and The Health Foundation, involved collaboration with the Kinsey Institute, the University of Sussex, and the HIV charity Positive East. The research team reviewed existing guidelines for developing conversational AI tools in healthcare, including those from the NHS and the WHO. They found that there was a lack of regular and updated data for decision-making, as well as inadequate design and implementation for underrepresented communities.
In response to these findings, the researchers developed a comprehensive plan for the inclusive development of health chatbots. They advocate for equal participation of all genders, ethnicities, and sexualities in decision-making, design, maintenance, and termination. The main objective is to promote inclusivity, acceptability, and engagement, and to provide more people with the opportunity to overcome social health inequalities.
Dr. Tomasz Nadarzynczki, the principal investigator of the research at the University of Westminster, emphasizes the need for a shift in the way AI is designed. He argues that the focus should not only be on operational effectiveness and risk elimination, but also on addressing critical issues such as health inequalities. By involving a variety of communities in the development process, biases can be overcome, trust can be built, and the positive impact of AI on disadvantaged populations can be maximized.
This research aligns with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, particularly Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being, Goal 5: Gender Equality, and Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals. The University of Westminster has embraced these goals as part of its strategic choices to create a more sustainable, equitable, and healthier world.
This research highlights the importance of inclusivity and community involvement in the development of AI chatbots for healthcare settings. It paves the way for a future where healthcare technology is accessible to all and promotes equity.
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